21 Rectangle Labels Per Sheet - 63.5mm x 38.1mm - CL2163
Browse our range of label materials that are available in 21 rectangular labels per A4 sheet.
CL2163 label size is a 63.5mm wide x 38.1mm high rectangle with rounded corners.
Download C2163 MS Word Template
CL2163 is compatible with Avery label printing template code L7160
CL2163 is equivalent to these other supplier codes: LL21, LP21/63, L7160, AAS021, FS21, L21-6338SE, LDC6338B, ULL21
Label Dimensions & Measurements for CL2163
Label Width: 63.5
Label Height: 38.1
Top Margin: 15.15
Bottom Margin: 15.15
Labels Across: 3
Labels Around: 7
Gap Across Labels: 2
Gap Around Labels: 0
Label Corner Radius: 1.5
Left Margin: 7.75
Right Margin: 7.75